Backer Flood - Social Media Marketing Dec 14th, 2017 [viewed 47 times] |
This Backer Flood review was put together after doing research on the crowdfund marketing company, the Backer Flood team, their marketing services, as well as from speaking with several projects with whom they helped. BackerFlood.com is a crowdfund marketing agency that was formed in 2013. Backer Flood has a reputation as one of the only performance based marketing agencies. Unlike other services, BackerFlood will work mostly on a % basis. The agency is unique in how to package their services for crowdfunders who are interested in seeing results. The team behind Backer Flood is mostly made up of social media marketers and direct response marketers, as well as some interns and content creators. It is a standard marketing agency environment, except they crowdfunding projects instead of traditional e-commerce. Visit, backerflood for more information. Backer Flood uses social media marketing and Facebook ads to promote active crowdfunding projects. If you’re trying to get more exposure across Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other communities then Backer Flood may be right for you. They manage all the marketing and promotions in exchange for a percentage of the sales they help you generate. Backer Flood offers services with some of the lowest startup costs. They have commission structures that range from 10% to 20%, depending on your project and funding goals. Their services have proven time and again to help crowdfunders get more backers and hit their funding goals. Crowdfunders and BackerFlood.com reviews show that past clients give positive reviews to the company. Overall crowdfunders on Kickstarter and Indiegogo have been satisfied with the crowdfund marketing agency. The new funding generated by the Backer Flood marketing team is tracked on the Kickstarter platforms and can be easily attributed to their efforts. In conclusion, BackerFlood.com reviews are positive and the agency is worth taking a look at. If you have an active project on Kickstarter or Indiegogo then they can be especially helpful. Most crowdfunders need help with the marketing and want a performance deal. In that case BackerFlood seems like a logical alternative to other flat fee services out there. You can learn more about their services and plans available on their website at www.BackerFlood.com.